Language is one of the most fascinating aspects of human beings, it effectively made us what we are right now and without it we would probably still be in the mud.

To cut short, the need for expression of our thoughs and emotions leaded us to this path and gradually became one of the most important part of our lives.

We try to express ourselves through sound and gestures but why do we do that? Why do we have the need for expression?

The conclusion that I came up with is to socialize. Essentially, we are what we are because people around us are who they are. We express ourselves to another person. Without it, there wouldn’t be a need. Trying to imagine a world that only consists of a single human being falls short if you think about it, apart from the reproductive difficulties.

I don’t know if this will translate well or there is already an another saying in English, but in Turkish, we have this saying; “Bir lisan bir insan, iki lisan iki insan.” which roughly translates to “One language is one person, two languages are two people.”

The meaning of it is that, if you know another language, you become two people, knowledge-wise.

There are some debates about it, whether it effects our lives more deeply.

I strongly believe that it’s the case, and the key is to integrate it into our lives.

So, to sum up; We wouldn’t be civilized without it and with it we are becoming more than what we are.