Journey to Linux from Windows
Changelog [2024-05-23] I’ve added a new section called “Terminal”. So, hello again? It’s been a while. I’m trying to switch to a different operating system, namely Linux, more specifically Manjaro. This is not my first rodeo tho. I’ve tried multitude of distros back in the day, but after a while, I always found myself back in Windows. Whether it be a little annoyance to a huge problems, Linux has always been rough for me. ...
Development on an Ancient Windows Mobile Phone
I’ve had this Crea MS2 phone that’s been lying around for a while. One boring afternoon and I started to think that maybe I can do something with it. I’ve actually used it way back then and I was excited to see a phone that can run fully fledged Windows, but yeah, I’ve had my hopes up too much because I quickly realized it was running a mobile version of it. ...
Note: This is my first English post. Well, technically this is the second one but the first one is in my Turkish blog and I added multi-language support to my site yesterday, so… I want to talk about meta and I want to talk about talking about it. It’s strange that we are not talking meta ABOUT meta, like it doesn’t have it. Not to deep dive in, let’s start with the definition of meta; (of a creative work) referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential. Here is also the Wiki page for it, go ahead and give it a read, I’ll be right here. ...