Note: This is my first English post. Well, technically this is the second one but the first one is in my Turkish blog and I added multi-language support to my site yesterday, so…

I want to talk about meta and I want to talk about talking about it. It’s strange that we are not talking meta ABOUT meta, like it doesn’t have it.

Not to deep dive in, let’s start with the definition of meta; (of a creative work) referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential. Here is also the Wiki page for it, go ahead and give it a read, I’ll be right here.

Based on this, seems like I have to talk about blogging, but meta can self reference itself right? Meta-meta? Something like this has to have more than one layers…

I find this stuff exciting. Talking about talking, joking about joking… It kind of fells like tautology, but I’m not saying something that comes off as the same thing.

It also feels energetic. The more I want to talk about it, the more it brews up and the more I’ll.

Programming also have a field called meta-programming which about writing programs that can write programs. Great, right?

I believe humanity have past some sort of limit and started thinking about thinking and now we are on the way to create the ultimate meta-program called AI.

Anyway, the subject here is not the AI, but meta itself.

Like it said on the wiki page, the whole premise is “X about X”, and that’s it. Writing about writing, watching about watching, reading about reading. Go ahead, try it and have some thoughts about it if you haven’t already.