Throughout my life, I have developed and been involved in numerous projects in various sizes. Below is a reverse chronological list of some of them that comes to mind. This list is, of course, currently incomplete. I will add future projects here.


A platform for buying and selling used cars. I contributed to various features and changes ranging from the ordering process to displaying vehicle details and relevant legal documents.

Approval (PEAKUP)

Process approval control system.

Meeting Manager - Backend (PEAKUP)

An electronic paper display system that shows upcoming meetings for meeting rooms integrated with Office 365.


A central system that provides information about cloud-based users, groups, events, and files using Microsoft Graph and Google Workspace.

Checkpoint (PEAKUP)

An Outlook for Windows add-in that adds detailed location information to meeting requests.

EnviSense (PEAKUP)

Intelligent device control system.

Hodoor (PEAKUP)

Personnel continuity control system.

Licensing (PEAKUP)

A portal for managing Microsoft-based licenses.

Quotes (PEAKUP)

A sales team’s quote process management system.

Domain Resolver (PEAKUP)

Detects well-known mail providers (e.g., Office 365, Google Workspace) for a given domain.

ExchangeRates (PEAKUP)

An Excel plugin that retrieves exchange rates from the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.

Authenticator (PEAKUP)

Authenticator is a central login system at PEAKUP that serves as the core of all SaaS software. It has been a project that has taught me a lot, thanks to its infrastructure and approaches like multitenancy.

Back & Drop (PEAKUP)

Backup solution for Windows-based systems.

ContactSync (PEAKUP)

A contact list management system for Outlook for Windows.

Sign & Go (PEKAUP)

Mail signature management system.

PeakDrive (PEAKUP)

A tracking and smart experience system for vehicles.

Unnamed (ASLI BÖREK)

An assistant application to facilitate the use of the CRM system used internally.

Unnamed (ASLI BÖREK)

An order system that can run on tablets for customers to use at their tables.